Denture implants for removable denture stabilisation
Dr Habibi and the team have particular expertise in dental implants, combined with sedation dentistry to provide a comfortable, streamlined and predictable treatment experience.
Implant dentures explained
Dentures have been popular to replace missing teeth for centuries.
In this day and age, with advanced and modern dentistry techniques being available, dentures form the most basic type of tooth replacement.

Gone are the days when it used to be “in vogue” to remove all teeth at a young age, wear dentures, with the intention to save on the costs of future dental care. We now know that there can be long term problems associated with wearing dentures, in particular jaw bone shrinkage leading to increasing difficulty supporting dentures in the mouth.
This is why implant dentures are a recommended alternative to traditional, removable full dentures.
Anchor III-Fitting Or Loose Dentures With Implants
At Complete Implant and Sedation Dentistry, our Perth based dental clinic, we achieve consistent and good results with the “Locator system”, for denture stabilisation. With this method, lower full dentures are stabilised with as few as two implants, placed in the front of the lower jaw.

Locator abutments, or Locator attachments, are attached to the implants, and these in turn act as stabilising “clips” for your denture. Upper full dentures are usually stabilised by a minimum of four “clip” attachments. This means your loose or poorly functioning dentures can be predictably stabilised by dental implants, making them stable, reliable, confident and comfortable in the mouth. Implant stabilised dentures are still able to be removed for cleaning by “unclipping them” from the Locator abutments on the dental implants.
To stabilise dentures with dental implants, we may be able to use your current dentures if they are well designed and not worn down, or we may need to make new dentures to improve your cosmetics or bite as part of the procedure.
When you get a prosthesis involving dental implants, for a full upper or lower set of teeth, some people refer to it as “implant dentures”.
There are 3 such groups of treatment carried out at our practice:
Loose dentures are a typical denture problem, and at Complete Implant and Sedation Dentistry we will be happy to assess your situation and to make recommendations for improvement.
Full removable implant dentures using the Locator system (implant stabilised dentures). These are essentially “clip on, clip off” stable dentures which are removed for cleaning.
Full removable implant supported dentures using the Syncone or Conus system, without coverage of the palate. These provide a very rigid fixation to the implants, but still remain removable for cleaning.
Fixed (non-removable) full implant prostheses or teeth replacements, as a way to get rid of your dentures altogether.These include implant bridges, or the All On 4 immediate teeth replacement, and our own innovative titanium-based All On 4 Plus Titanium technique. Alternatively, we have the option of using zygomatic implants, sometimes used in cases where there is not sufficient bone in the upper jaw, using implants anchored into the cheek (zygoma) bones.
Why Choose Complete Implants And Sedation Dentistry
At our state-of-the-art clinic, we offer an advanced, professional and comprehensive approach to dental implantology.
Dr Habibi and the team have a particular expertise in dental implants, combined with sedation dentistry to provide a comfortable, streamlined and predictable treatment experience. You can say goodbye to loose or uncomfortable dentures.
Call our friendly receptionists to discuss any denture problems you may have, so we can assess your situation and provide personalised advice, for a more comfortable, aesthetically pleasing and long-term solution.
Get in touch
Implant & Sedation Dentistry
116 Churchill Avenue,
Subiaco WA 6008