Not enough bone
for implants

Let's explore the best possible
way to help you benefit from
dental implants.

Have you been told there is not enough bone for upper implants? Then it’s worth having a chat to Dr Misagh Habibi.


Not enough bone for implants: the problem

One of the big challenges if you need dental implants, is a situation where there is not enough bone for implants. If this is the case, then the standard dental implant procedures may not be suitable for you. At Complete Implant and Sedation Dentistry, we always start with a comprehensive assessment to give you a clear diagnosis with possible solutions.
We have experience in advanced and reliable solutions for patients who have deficient jaw bone and have been told by dentists that they do not have enough bone for implants.

How come I have not enough bone for implants?

Jaw bone loss is a natural process, that occurs after you lose one or several teeth. Wearing dentures, over time, can make this process (bone atrophy) worse.

That is why many patients who have worn dentures for a long time develop very small jaws and a shrunken face appearance, and then they try to find a solution.

Not enough bone for implants | Complete Dental Implants Perth

When you are looking into upper implants, your dentist may tell you that there is not enough bone for implants. Even when there are teeth some still present, they may be affected by infections or gum disease, which can also cause your jawbone to become deficient. 


What can be done?

If you have been told that your specific situation made you “not suitable for dental implants”, or “not enough bone for implants”, then it’s worth having a chat to Dr Misagh Habibi at Complete Implant and Sedation Dentistry. He provides several solutions:
All On 4 Plus ®

All On 4 Plus® is a teeth replacement technique and one of the most innovative dental implant solutions available in modern dentistry.

1. Graft free solutions

Graft-free solutions for immediate, fixed replacement teeth, even in a situation with severely resorbed upper or lower jaws. The All-on-4 and implant denture solutions can be applied to lower jaws with extremely minimal bone, and in upper jaws with reduced bone. In upper jaws with severe bone loss (such as no bone left in the upper jaw), the method used is based on using Zygoma implants. Zygomatic implants are longer than standard dental implants. Instead of relying on jawbone, they bypass the deficient jaw and anchor into the underside of your cheekbone to give a secure, immediate foundation for implant teeth.

2. Sinus elevation

Sinus elevation (also called a sinus lift). If you want to replace the upper back teeth and there is not enough bone for implants, then this might be caused by an expansion of the maxillary sinus (the air space below the upper jaw bone). We can overcome successfully with a surgical procedure called a “sinus elevation” or a “sinus lift” at our practice. It is very effective at creating a new and strong bone foundation for dental implants. After sinus elevation, you continue wearing your dentures for 10-12 months before the underlying new bone is strong enough to receive your new dental implant teeth. We use a technology called piezosurgery (ultrasonic bone surgery), combined with other gentle techniques, to carry out this delicate procedure with precision, safety, comfort and success.

3. Bone grafting

Bone grafting (bone augmentation). There are multiple methods we can use to re-build or regenerate the bone that is missing from your jaws, depending on what is suitable for your case. This is suitable for when we are only missing one or several teeth with deficient bone, and other teeth are in good health. We can rebuild the missing bone areas to create a strong and healthy foundation for dental implants.


About us

Complete Implant and Sedation Dentistry is a state-of-the-art practice in Subiaco (Perth) restricted to dental implant, surgical and reconstructive sedation procedures.

If you have been told you may not have enough bone for implants, contact our friendly receptionists to book an appointment, so we can give you a clear diagnosis and explore the best possible way to help you benefit from dental implants.

We are located in Subiaco, close to the Perth CBD

Get in touch

We are located in Subiaco, close to the Perth CBD


Implant & Sedation Dentistry
116 Churchill Avenue,
Subiaco WA 6008


(08) 6380 5899


(08) 6380 5891