Lack of bone
for implants

A lack of bone for implants means there has been a loss of bone mass, and that there is not enough bone left to hold your dental implants. 


Lack of Bone for Implants: the problem

Modern dentistry now allows to compensate for that, so you can become a candidate for implant dentistry.

If you have been diagnosed with a lack of bone mass by your dentist, it may be useful to ask for a second opinion at Complete Implant & Sedation Dentistry in Subiaco. 

Our experienced dentists perform bone grafts and advanced implant procedures routinely, and have helped many patients who had been diagnosed with a lack of bone for implants. 


How come I have a lack of bone?

For implants, we need healthy and well shaped bone into which to install your implants. But in many patients, loss of teeth, and/or the long term use of removable dentures, causes the jaw bone to shrink (jaw bone resorption). 

Lack of bone for implants | Complete Dental Implants Perth

Without the constant stimulation of permanent teeth, the original bone volume is lost and is not restored by the body. If a large number of teeth, or all teeth are involved, this may cause your appearance to change over time, and you may feel as if your jaw or face has collapsed. We can diagnose the volume and quality of your jaw bone, and can establish whether there is a lack of bone for implants, considering the various implant methods and designs available today. 

Lack of bone for implants | Complete Dental Implants Perth

If you need dental implants

A bone grafting procedure augments the bone volume, restoring the bone for implants to be placed into. If the lack of bone is minimal to moderate, then bone grafting and implant placement can sometimes be done at the same procedure for your convenience. When the bone grafting need is more extensive, separate procedures may be required.

At Complete Implant and Sedation Dentistry, we can ensure your bone graft procedure is comfortable using sleep dentistry (or IV Sedation Dentistry).

If you are missing many or all of your teeth and are lacking bone for conventional implants, or are struggling with uncomfortable removable dentures, the graftless permanent solution of All On 4 Plus® Implants may be suitable for you. This is a means of replacing a full set of teeth on a foundation of usually four implants at strategic positions and angles, even in minimal jaw bone. In cases where there is absolutely no bone available in the upper jaw, zygomatic implants that use the cheek bones for anchorage can be considered, as an alternative to bone grafting.


Several solutions if you have a lack of bone for implants

At Complete, we offer a range of bone graft methods. Our experienced implant dentists have a particular interest and extensive experience in advanced implantology. Our Principal Dr Misagh Habibi is a mentor, and tutor to postgraduate oral implantology students. At Complete, Perth’s only official All On 4 Clinic, Dr Habibi performs implant procedures on a daily basis. 

Where possible, we aim to design solutions for you that achieve the results you need with the least number of interventions, and as comfortably as possible.

Lack of bone for implants | Complete Dental Implants Perth

If you have been told that your lack of bone mass could be a challenge when exploring dental implants, please give us a call to discuss your options.

We are located in Subiaco, close to the Perth CBD

Get in touch

We are located in Subiaco, close to the Perth CBD


Implant & Sedation Dentistry
116 Churchill Avenue,
Subiaco WA 6008


(08) 6380 5899


(08) 6380 5891